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Do you see that bot sit

November 15, 2011 Leave a comment

I live in the internet world – but what a bot or a bit really are defies my imagination. Writing around that a bit … a bot …

Do you see that bot sit
on the little odd bit?
What’s it going to do?
I don’t have a clue.

It’s on or off or good or bad
it’s yes or no or happy or sad.
There’s going to be a decision
that’s the bot’s mission.

They sit and chat a millionth second
They’ll never meet again I reckon.
The song of the bot and the bit
And this is it.

Lyrics by Detlef Cordes 2011

Categories: Lyrics, Writing

Out there: a world full of wonders

November 14, 2011 Leave a comment

Setting out into the unknown with an open heart . . .

Out there: a world full of wonders

By Detlef on Flickr

Categories: Animals, photo, Pictures

Museums are places to destroy art

November 12, 2011 1 comment

L’art pour l’art is not for me. I use art to embark on exciting expeditions from everyday life and back into the jungle that is everyday life. I’m not an admirer. I’m a beast that wants to feast. I want my mind to be entertained. If you give me a black rectangle in a white field that entertains me more than the damned Mona Lisa, which I saw so often that her smile bores me to death.

Any kindergarten exhibition interests me more than a well curated Leonardo show. I won’t stand in line for that. I won’t stand in line in Disneyland and its well crafted attractions. Museums are places to destroy art.

Handcraft is boring.
Beauty is boring.
Admiration is boring.
Consensus is boring.

Anything that helps us explore this moment here together is exciting.
Anything that tears down the old walls of perception is exciting.
Any fresh experience is exciting – wherever it happens.
Anything that disappoints an assumption is exciting.

Whether that can be called art or not: it doesn’t matter to me.

Categories: art Tags:

Do we see a fictionalization of politics?

November 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Are politicians just tops of the iceberg of “their” organisations? Good or bad interfaces for interests of power? Like stars in a movie: for this role you take Bruce Willis, but you can take X or Y or Z, too. Most actors come aboard a movie after years of preparing work. Do politicians embark on interests of power that suit their brand and promise profit? Do we see a fictionalization of politics?

Categories: Politics Tags: , ,

Google indexes WordPress better than G+

November 10, 2011 6 comments

I was thinking about making Google Plus my online home, as most of my discussions are happening there and discussions are most important to me. I often find my own opinion in discussions and very often there is more than one valid opinion to a certain topic. I think it’s nice to have the discussion where the post is – and not to have to hop between post and discussions on Facebook and G+.

However: to embed links and pictures into a G+ post is a bit difficult – but I could deal with that. But Google Search indexes posts in WordPress better than posts in G+.

My fictional text about Breitenstein is on G+ 4 days now. I linked to it from my Twitter account, it drew 4 Google+, 5 comments and 1 re-share and still it doesn’t apear in Google search. It does appear in the G+ search however. But who searches in G+? Google seems to keep the searches separate.

I re-posted my Breitenstein text here on WordPress – and it appears in Google Search immediately after posting.

That’s a big con against posting in G+ exclusively. And you can structure your content with #hastags only, whereas here you have the wonderful categories and archive function.

So I think I’ll make myself comfy here at WordPress.

Categories: SEO, socmed Tags: , , ,

Breitenstein is not an old man to me

November 10, 2011 1 comment

Breitenstein is not an old man to me, because I knew him 50 years ago, when he was in his thirties, always in a hurry, always looking like a CIA agent with his conspicuous hat, long black coat and the brown leather briefcase. I like that he didn’t change his outfit one little bit in all these years – except that he is unable to take the briefcase as he walks with a walking frame now. His back hurts badly and he is unable to stand erect.

But Breitenstein is still in a hurry as he is a writer and eager to get back to his typewriter, yes: typewriter. I hear him hitting the keys as early as 6am when I pass his apartment walking the dog. Typing, typing, typing for decades without ever publishing anything, apparently without any reader on his mind, any reader but himself.

Breitenstein, a configuration of remarkable energy, always under pressure, receding into the haze of time, leaving an apartment with shelves of paper, paper, paper.

Categories: story, Writing

The Cat in the Bath

October 8, 2011 Leave a comment

The Cat in the Bath on YouTube

Categories: Videos

Moo says the cow

August 10, 2011 Leave a comment

Moo says the cow
and that’s the way I’m feeling now.
Too mixed up to be verbal
even lack the words to burble.
So I put what I feel into one single word
Listen to me, I hope it will be heard.

Moo, moo moo,
do you feel it, too?
Moo, moo moo,
That’s my point of view.

I don’t care if it’s neutral
I hope it is mutual
I’m asking how is it for you?

Categories: Music, Videos

Do machines sense our emotions?

August 9, 2011 Leave a comment

Sometimes I have the impression machines sense our emotions – it’s scary. When I very much want my laptop to do a certain thing, eg if I want to show something to a certain person:my laptop gets stage fright and underperforms.kafka

Categories: free association

Watch The Guitar Hero

August 5, 2011 Leave a comment

Baby baby, baby, baby: where did our week go? 
Baby baby, baby, baby: and all the promises and things to be done? 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday:
I hope it has been fun.

We keep moving, moving in circles
old mother time drags us along.

Faster, faster, faster, faster:
her arm is strong

Categories: Music, Videos